One of the unique and fun ways I engaged students while President (and before that, as Provost) was challenging the student body to a racquetball match. I offered free lunch to any student (and a few friends) who could beat me in racquetball. Though my game is not what it once was, I have lost to only one student in over 10 years of this standing challenge (he was a scholarship tennis athlete whose father has been the over-50 champion in Mexico!).

The challenge has been fun for me, and a bit of a legend on campus. You may have another sport in which you like to engage…I also have been bicycling with the cycling club, for example. These are ways to humanize you as a person, not just a president, in a healthy manner.

Of course, I also played faculty and staff…losing to both our campus recreation director and to one of our tennis coaches. Again, an engagement opportunity that is fun for everyone.

My wife would remind me, though, that one has to be careful not to be too cocky or boastful…and I may have erred there on occasion. Scheduling matches and contact was handled by the President’s Office…and I recall hearing that one student reported back that, “it was the most fun, absolute beat down” he had ever experienced.